(re)Startup 425 Business Response Team
Need one-on-one technical assistance with accessing financial resources? If you’re located on the Puget Sound’s Eastside, we can help! Our Business Response Team can help you navigate financial options (like grants and SBA loans), become loan-ready, and retain employees.
We’ve partnered with Business Impact NW, a community-development financial institution, to bring you one-on-one advising from local experts in small business resilience. Complete this form, and our staff will be in touch.
We’ve partnered with Business Impact NW, a community-development financial institution, to bring you one-on-one advising from local experts in small business resilience. Complete this form, and our staff will be in touch.
Consulting to Startups and Entrepreneurs
Seattle Business EducationHUB, in partnership with the City of Issaquah Economic Development, will offer free workshops and consulting services to startups and established entrepreneurs located in the City of Issaquah.
For more information, please contact Seattle Business Education HUB at info@sbehub.org or 206-753-8397.
COVID-19 Legal Clinic
This virtual clinic is designed to help small businesses and nonprofits navigate legal issues they are experiencing due to Covid-19.
- This clinic is intended for Washington based small businesses and nonprofits who do not have the resources to access legal services
- This clinic is limited to small businesses and nonprofits who have less than 50 employees, annual revenues of less than $2 million, or have had a significant reduction of income due to the Covid-19 pandemic
- The clinic offers a free 60-minute consultation by phone or video conference with an attorney for non-litigation, Covid-19 related legal issues (like commercial leases, reopening or closing businesses, employment questions, etc.).
- Clinic appointments are scheduled at a time that is convenient for the client and attorney. Interpretation is available in a variety of languages.
Fill out an intake form here.
Find Financial Assistance – King County Library System
We are experiencing a high volume of requests. It may take up to two weeks to receive a response from our team. / Debido al alto volumen de solicitudes de usarios es posible que tarde hasta dos semanas en recibir una respuesta de nuestro equipo.
Get help finding financial assistance. Connect with the resources you need to survive and thrive through COVID-19. / Obtenga ayuda para encontrar asistencia financiera. Conéctese con los recursos que necesita para sobrevivir y prosperar a través de COVID-19.
Tell us about your small business or personal financial need. We'll send you a customized list of resources and information. / Cuéntenos sobre su pequeña empresa o necesidad financiera personal. Le enviaremos una lista personalizada de recursos e información.
If you're unable to access email, please call (800) 462-9600 to schedule a phone appointment. / Si no puede acceder al correo electrónico, llame al (800) 462-9600 para programar una cita telefónica.
Legal Services
Apply to work one-on-one with an attorney. Attorneys will answer questions and provide legal advice on business law needs.
Types of Legal Issues We Assist Small Business Owners With:
- Business Entity Formation – LLC/PLLC, Sole Proprietor, Partnership, C-Corporation, Social Purpose Corporation
- Drafting Agreements: Shareholder Agreements, Operating Agreements.
- Advice on Corporate Governance
- Maintenance and Compliance with State and Federal Law
- Taxes – Advice regarding federal, state, and local taxes.
- Contracts – Drafting and advising on business contracts.
- Employment – Preparing, reviewing and revising personnel policies, independent contractor agreements, vendor agreements, employment contracts, and confidentiality agreements.
- Real Estate – drafting or reviewing property leases and purchase and sale agreements.
- Intellectual Property
- Risk and Liability Assessment – Assistance on risk and liability assessment including waiver and release forms, and advice on insurance coverage.
- Litigation Matters – Do not provide assistance on litigation matters or with hearings.
- Conflicts/Embezzlement – Do not assist with situations of conflict between board members/staff, or embezzlement.
- Individual Claims against Nonprofits – Do not provide assistance to individuals with their pursuit of claims against nonprofit and community organizations.
- Ongoing Legal Assistance – Unable to help find an attorney to serve on a nonprofit’s board, or have an attorney be on-call or serve as General Counsel.
- Legal Advice Over the Phone
- The business is registered in Washington state;
- Is unable to pay for legal fees without significant impairment to operations;
- Owner(s) household income is below 80% of the King County HUD guidelines; (all owners must qualify if more than one)
- Seeks legal assistance on a business or organizational matter
If you are interested in applying for these services or have any questions, please reach out to contact@communities-rise.org.
Management Consulting Services
- Board development
- Meeting or retreat facilitation
- Communications planning
- Organizational development, and more.
Fill out the Request for Assistance Form here https://www.501commons.org/services/request-for-assistance-form.