As we approach the winter, many businesses are looking at bringing activity back indoors. How can this be done in a way that is safe for staff and clientele?
Improving indoor air quality is an important part of this process. Join us and speakers from the Community Toxics, Science and Policy Section, Public Health of Seattle & King County and Business Impact NW as they review practical steps that businesses can take to improve ventilation and reduce the potential spread of COVID-19.
We will also address several existing challenges that many industries are navigating going into the fall/winter, such as labor shortages and decreased income due to increased costs or the reduction of inventory – and offer some tips to overcome these challenges.
During this webinar you will learn about:
- Different layers of protection that improve indoor air quality
- Strategies for specific sectors, such as restaurants, retail, and childcare
- Concrete steps you can take, and who to contact for assistance
Program Speakers
Anne Alfred
Community Toxics, Science and Policy Section, Public Health - Seattle & King County
Roda Mohamed
Community Toxics, Science and Policy Section, Public Health - Seattle & King County
Michael Reis
Business Impact NW and (re)Startup 425
Jenna Truong
Community Toxics, Science and Policy Section, Public Health - Seattle & King County
Program Resources
Slide DeckVentilation & Indoor Air Quality Assistance Request Form (Public Health Seattle & King County)
Improving indoor air website (Public Health Seattle & King County)
One-on-one business advising with (re)Startup 425