We are excited to support year three of GiveBIG Eastside, a campaign to support our eastside nonprofits! The GiveBIG Eastside campaign is a collaboration between OneEastside SPARK, our partners across the Eastside, and 501 Commons.
GiveBIG is an online fundraising campaign for Washington state nonprofits. This year, GiveBIG culminates in a 48-hour giving event on May 7-8, 2024.
GiveBIG Eastside Toolkit - Help get the word out!
GiveBig Eastside 2024 Community Page: https://www.wagives.org/community/Givebig-Eastside
Sample Graphics
GiveBIG Eastside Logos
Social Media Posts
Consider donating to a nonprofit you love and discover two more whose work you support. Donate here: https://www.wagives.org/community/Givebig-Eastside #GiveBIGEastside #GiveBIG #strongertogether #nonprofitsupport
Learn about the great work nonprofits are doing in our community and give. Review this year’s GiveBIG Eastside participants at https://oneeastside.org/givebig-eastside #GiveBIGEastside #GiveBIG #strongertogether #nonprofitsupport
GiveBIG culminates May 7-8. Want to make a huge difference?
1. Pick your favorite organization you love to support
2. Find two new-to-you organizations who catch your eye
3. Donate to all three at https://www.wagives.org/community/Givebig-Eastside