Tag: exporting

eCommerce Readiness and Pivot

With restricted occupancy rates, stay home stay healthy orders, political/social unrest, and rising COVID19 test results, it is harder to service clients face-to-face during this time. Additionally, some customers may not be in close proximity to your local business. Being online can increase your sales/revenues to customers you wouldn’t normally be attractive to. There are a few different ways you can get your business online successfully. It may even be possible by using an affiliate to do it for you.

Globally, online sales are anticipated to reach $4.2 trillion this year. Currently, 76% of US consumers shop online. Experts say there will be more than 300 million online shoppers in the US by 2023. If you aren’t selling online, it is likely you are leaving tons of money on the table.

While eCommerce is not for everyone. This workshop will help you discover if it is for you. If you need assistance getting started or pivoting from some mistakes, this workshop will help you!

Discover if you’re digitally ready, what online platforms to consider, some potential benefits and sales strategies for your business, and where to turn for e-commerce help.