Tag: leadership

Elevate NW Series: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Do you sometimes feel like a fraud? Well you are not alone…

Imposter Syndrome is a psychological trait where people feel like they don’t deserve their accomplishments. Internally they feel like a fraud, or they worry that one day someone will find out that they are not good enough.

Small business owners can wrestle with feelings of worth, achievement and self-esteem. No matter how successful business owners are on the outside or how much external evidence there is of their skills or competence, they can feel as though their success is not enough.

Our next Elevate NW Series will explore Imposter Syndrome. Specifically, we will look at the following:

  • Some common traits of imposter syndrome such as self-doubt, overachieving and attributing your success to external factors.
  • Explore the different types of “Imposters” such as The Perfectionist, The Superhero and The Soloist.
  • Learn some valuable skills to bring into balance the authentic you that deserves to enjoy your success.

Leading this webinar will be Micha Goebig. Micha is a life & leadership coach, speaker, published author, and owner of a boutique communication agency for the German luxury car industry. She launched Go Big Coaching to guide her clients through the process of unlearning what holds them back, so that they can rewrite the rules and change the world, one company, one community, one boardroom at a time. Originally from Germany, Micha received her master’s degree from the University of Munich.