Washington State Microenterprise Association
Washington’s smallest businesses are the backbone of a vital statewide economy. The WSMA creates pathways to the resources they need to succeed.
Washington Technology Industry Association
We work to build a strong, sustainable technology sector in a thriving community.
What’s Open Eastside
Eligible Entities: East King County businesses
Business Owners:
- Enter your business information to the map. Specific questions about take-out/delivery options and hours are on the next couple pages of this form.
- Customers will be able to search for your business on the What’s Open Eastside Map.
You can update your listing by visiting the What’s Open Eastside Map and clicking on your business.
Questions or technical concerns? Contact: WhatsOpenEastside@redmond.gov
Women’s Business Center
Business coaching sessions can be held in-person, over the phone, or via video conferencing. Coaching help may include:
- navigating the startup process
- creating a business plan and financials
- funding options unique to your circumstances
- drafting loan packages and presentation for potential lenders and investors
- identifying new growth opportunities in your existing business
- managing business profitability
- discovering additional learning opportunities
- connecting to community resources